How to Flash NICENANO Firmware

Preparation before Firmware Flash

Obtain the.uf2 Firmware File

  • Method 1: Go to our GitHub zmk page, select the appropriate firmware for configuration and building according to your personal needs, and thus obtain the required.uf2 firmware file.
  • Method 2: Customers prepare and compile the firmware by themselves.

Prepare Tools

  • Prepare a USB data cable to connect NICENANO to the computer.
  • If you need to enter the bootloader by short – circuiting the RST and GND pins, also prepare tweezers.

Connect the Device to the Computer

Connect NICENANO to the computer using a USB to type – c data cable.

Enter the Bootloader

Method 1: Use the Keyboard Reset Button

If there is a reset button on the keyboard, quickly click the button twice in a row, and NICENANO will enter the bootloader.

Method 2: Short – circuit the Pins

If NICENANO has not been inserted into the keyboard or the keyboard is not equipped with a reset button, use tweezers to quickly short – circuit the RST and GND pins on NICENANO twice in a row to enter the bootloader.

After successfully entering the bootloader, NICENANO will be displayed as a USB storage device named “NICENANO” in the computer operating system.

Flash the Firmware

Copy the File

Locate the.uf2 firmware file obtained in the first step. You can copy it by entering commands in the terminal or directly drag – and – drop it in the file explorer. Copy the.uf2 firmware file to the USB storage device displayed as “NICENANO”. After the copy is completed, wait for a while, and NICENANO will automatically complete the firmware flash.

Safely Remove the Device

After the firmware flash is successful, remove the NICENANO device in the operating system according to the normal safe hardware removal process, and then disconnect the data cable.

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